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    Pencak Silat – Secepat Kilat (As fast as lighting)
    Moving with the flow and the weapons that we like
    Pencak Silat – Secepat Kilat
    Give respect to this skill, and you won’t get beat up.

    From Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei
    Comes a fighting style I suggest that you try
    Pencak Silat, come lets mulai
    It’s hotter firecracker 4th of July

    Let me tell you why, Silat its like poetry in motion
    With a lethal potion, with hundreds of styles vast like ocean.
    Evolved over centuries, only for the chosen.
    Royalty or family, those who show devotion,
    Refined when the people sparked revolution!

    In Silat you punch, you strike, you kick, you lock
    We lunge, we fight, we hit, we drop
    Form never sloppy, you flow with your body
    But its different from kungfu and not like Karate

    In Southeast Asia there is Kali and Muay Thai
    But Silat’s got a little of both but more “fly”


    There are 4 different aspects connected to the art
    Self-defense, artistic, spiritual and sport
    There’s tournaments and training for any kinda age
    We even got Silat fighters winning in the cage

    Tanding, tunggal, ganda, regu
    Solo creative with the Jurus that they do
    Matchete-like golok
    Nimble when they roll-up
    When they see you flow, they all like “hold up”!

    My favorite’s the karambit, Its curved, not too long
    Or fighting with a garment, catch you with the serong,
    Movement never dormant, langkah better be firm
    Your Kuda-kuda be strong!

    Won’t forget to mention, the spiritual dimension,
    you dissipate the tension, you’ll never be henchman
    So now you know the reason that all of us, we like
    The style and art of Pencak Silat